Jake had always assumed he would finish college and get a traditional job. But after failing out of college during his sophomore year, Jake was forced to rethink his path. He moved back home feeling defeated, and took a job as a personal trainer while he figured things out.

Over time, Jake realized he loved connecting with the business owners he met at the gym and hearing their perspectives on life and work. This gave him an idea – he would start a podcast to explore people’s stories more deeply. Jake taught himself audio editing and launched “The Productive Point of View” podcast.

On his podcast, Jake interviewed small business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives about their approaches to productivity, goals, and personal development. His natural curiosity brought out insightful stories from his guests. Within months, the podcast grew a loyal following.

Buoyed by the success, Jake turned his podcast into a coaching business. He leveraged the connections made through his show to start consulting with professionals and entrepreneurs looking to maximize their productivity and reach their business goals.

Jake combined his own research with the strategies he compiled from podcast guests to develop a systemized coaching program. He worked with clients one-on-one and started running masterminds.

Within a few years, Jake’s business was thriving. He still produced his popular podcast, which had become the top show in the business category. But now Jake focused the majority of his time on coaching and changing lives through his program.

Looking back, Jake realized that flunking out of college, while difficult in the moment, allowed him to find his authentic path as an entrepreneur. By turning his conversation skills into a podcast and coaching business, Jake found meaning and success he never expected. He hopes to inspire others to see setbacks as openings to a new future.

And most of all Jake loves Jesus. His favorite verse is – Romans 1:16

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”